Wiilam didn’t cry on his first day at all, not until 3rd day then he cried when I parked our car in parking lot and got ready to the classroom. He cried again when we got to the classroom.
His schedule is: 8:15 AM – 1:15 PM in room 309 with teacher Hana Suh. Mrs. Hana has 3 assistants: Ms Susan, Ms Yoana and Ms Analiz. Everyday he has 1 hour of one-on-one session in a different room at 8:30 AM to learn about behaviors. Breakfast and lunch are provided.
At 8:15 PM Mrs Hana and assistants come out to pick up the children who are dropped off from the bus, so we can either let them take William to the room or we take William to the room ourselves. When the class ends, at 1:10 PM they take the children out to the curb side in front of the office (same place when they pick up the children) and we pick up William from there.
The reason we let William goes to this school is because he’s 3 years old now but still doesn’t talk. William was using Regional Center of OC services for speech therapy for 1 year. When he reaches 3 years old, RCOC referred him to Santa Ana School District for evaluation. They set up a meeting at Mitchell Child Development Center with a psychologist, a nurse and 2 more ladies whom I forgot what their roles are. They observed William while asking him to do different tasks and asked me questions about his behaviors. Then 2 weeks later we had a 2nd meeting with Mitchell school to discuss about William’s evaluation result. They said he’s 3 years old but he’s like a 6 months old; so that he’s qualified for special programs provided by Santa Ana school district, all the fee are paid for including the bus transportation if we need. This is why right after his 3rd birthday we’re sending him to this school with the hope that he can learn more to speak. His birthday is Nov 24, so he started on the next Monday which is Nov 28, 2016.

So this is our daily schedule now: I take William to Mitchel school at 8 AM; class at Mitchell ends at 1:15 PM so I pick him up and then drop him off at the Children World preschool because I have to go back to work, then Tim picks William up after work around 5:20 PM.
Too much driving around; and it’s tougher when there’s so much rain lately, but we believe Mitchell school can hep him get better at speech. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!