3rd Day Watching Fever Temp

last night, 11 PM, William still could not sleep.  I went to the kitchen to refill his milk and he followed me.  His forehead was warm to the touch so I measured his temp: 100.4; not bad but I was afraid that his temp would increase more while we are sleeping so I gave him Children Tylenol.  I took him back to bed shortly after that; he kept playing with his toys until I turned off the light.

5 AM, Tim asked if should he stay home again today; I touched William’s body and it was not warm any more so Tim went to work.

8 AM, I tried to dress William to take him to school, he let me put on his jacket but he looked sleepy.  He didn’t eat much last night so I gave him some milk, he only drank half of it and showed signs of nausea.

When I dropped him off at his classroom, he walked around looking fine; all my worries were gone.

Hopefully fever is gone!