Hsi Lai Temple – Xuân Đinh Dậu 2017

Year of the Rooster 2017

It was sprinkling but not too cold. Despite the rainy weather there was still lots of people going to the temple. It’s the year of the rooster so there was a big rooster inside the temple.

People were busy taking pictures with the nice decorations at the temple while William only liked to take the … elevator!  He went up and down, up and down and refused to leave.  He’d cry and kick his legs when we try to take him away from the elevator.  Tim was too tired watching him. By noon we decided to leave because it was impossible to enjoy the sight where the only place he wanted to be is to ride the elevator :).

Cousins Tracy & Danny & Aunt Julie Mom, Dad & William (3 years old)


Thanks God, Fever is Gone!

Yesterday afternoon when he came home from Children World preschool, he was not warm but he coughed more and felt nausea more.  So I gave him some DimeTapp.  Later at night I checked again, no fever, great!

When I picked him up from Mitchell school today, his temp felt normal but he continued to cough.  His daily report said he only had chocolate milk; no wonder when I gave him a sausage, he ate it (he refused to eat the sausage the last 2 days).

It’s a very windy and rainy day today, he felt asleep on the way to the Children World preschool; I wish I could take him home so that he can sleep on his comfortable bed but unfortunately I have to get back to work.