What to Do When Cannot Sleep?

11:30 PM, William’s eyes were still wide open.  I was so tired so I felt asleep.  Few minutes later he woke me up by sitting right next to me and looking at my face.  I opened my eyes and oh my god, lotion was all over his face & hands.  He looked like he was about to cry because lotion got into his eyes.  I used a wet towel to clean his face, then he laughed! Then I found out his pants was soaked in lotion as well as his shirt!  So we changed his clothes.  I guess he was bored so he played with the lotion bottle.

The night was not over!  we let him watched the Mickey video on YouTube; he put the iPad leaned against the wall and it felt under the bed; we had to move the bed to get the iPad for him.

William really has trouble sleeping at night, he would not sleep until really late in the night.  Maybe because he takes too much nap in the afternoon?  Yesterday he woke up around 5:30 PM after his afternoon nap.

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