After school …

William and Mickey Mouse books

Picked up William at Mitchell school around 1:10 PM today.  As usual I stopped by the back of a bus which is parking in front of the school gate so that William can touch the lights.  I read out the letters and numbers on the license plate and asked William to point to them.  He got them all right.  I also tested him on the color of the lights: yellow, red and white.  He got them right also.

Took him to the car, put him in the car seat and handed him a bottle of milk.  He finished half of it and started to play with the Mickey Mouse books.  Then I fed him some sausages (some day he would eat it, some days he would not) and he ate all 5 slices. Once he done with the sausage, I handed him his milk bottle again so that I can finish it up.

Then I drove him to the Children World Pre-school; where he would be taking his afternoon nap.












Mrs. Hana is taking William to me from classroom. William looked happy as usual.

A Typical Dinner at Home …

William dancing around holding the Mickey Mouse books

Around 7:30 PM we sit William at the dining table, give him the iPad so that he can watch videos from YouTube while we prepare for his dinner.  His favorite videos are Mickey Mouse, Chip & Dale; and now he loves to watch Bryan’s Review of the Lego land Hotel, especially the elevator with lights.  He’d would dance around in circle, run back and forth or just sit down on the floor while listening to the sounds from the video.  When he gets excited like this it’s hard to get him back to the dining table; but sometime he’d sit still at the table and imitate the sounds.

His dinner usually is rice with ground pork and a cup of chicken/beef broth.  Follows with a cup of spaghetti soup; and dessert is a small up of canned fruits.

Usually this takes about 1 and 1/2 hour to 2 hours for him to finish his dinner.  We tried to switch videos to force him to sit still but he always knows how to get back to the ones that he likes.


William sits on the floor area near the dining table with his Mickey Mouse books, his eyes are looking to the iPad on the dining table.

No School at Mitchell today!

William is 3 yrs and 4 months. He likes this little piano and mickey mouse books.

There’s no school at Mitchell today so William is staying at Mr. Gary’s Children World Preschool full day.  I looked at William thru the mirror while driving him to the preschool: he’s so cute and tiny.  He looks like he’s only 2 years old but he’s already 3 years and 4 months.

Love you little turtle!

Spend the Day with aunt Huệ

We went to Arvin with niece Hang looking for some cherry flowers but afraid that William might get more sick (he has been coughing for the last 2 weeks) so we sent him to aunt Hue’s house.  Aunt Hue really loves William so I don’t hesitate to let her babysit him.

7:00 AM I put on his jacket, and Tim carried him to the car, he woke up since then.  He didn’t cry when  Tim handed him to aunt Hue.  William and his aunt were sitting on the bed when I came to say good bye, he stood up trying to get to me :(.

Turned out we were too late, all the flowers were gone!  We took a few pictures of the wild flowers and then headed home.

Stuck in traffic for while, got to aunt Hue’s house around 4:30 PM, he just woke up from his nap and looked very tired: coughing, running nose and his body felt warm to the touch.  He didn’t have running nose at home so I guess he’s allergic to dog furs.  Aunt Hue has 3 dogs!

After taking shower, William looked much better, running nose still be he was more active as usual.   I guess he was just homesick.  It has been more than a year since we last sent him to a babysitter’s house.

Next time we will take you with us, son!


Didn’t Want to Go to School

Monday morning…

William cried & kicked his legs when I tried to put him on the car seat to go to school.  He cried out loud on the way to school.  He continued to kick and cry when I tried to carry him out of the car to go to his classroom.  Not sure why!

Today Tim stayed home (sick) so he was in charge of taking William to the day care after Mitchell school.  He said William started to cry when he made to U-turn to get the day care.

Monday, Back to School!

Took William to school today, on the way he started coughing again so we stopped by Mrs. Shastin ( school nurse).  She checked him using a stethoscope.  Also checked his temperature using an infrared thermometer pointing on his forehead.  “99 F” She said,  “everything is fine”; I’m so happy!

Cousin Danny’s and aunt Julie’s Birthday Celebration

Tim enjoys crab legs

We were invited to buffet at the Hokkaido Seafood Buffet in Long Beach (3030 Cherry Ave, Long Beach, CA 90807) for Danny’s and aunt Julie’s Birthdays.  William only ate spaghetti and some fried wonton while watching some videos on  He stayed on his own chair the whole time, some time stood up and tried to escaped but I lured him back by showing him the videos on my iPhone.

Good behavior today, I’m so proud of you son!

William loves watching Mickey Mouse videos

We got home around 2:00 PM, William felt asleep on the way home but as soon as we put him on the bed, he woke up and would not go back to sleep.  He’s so hyper today, not sure why!