Picked up William at Mitchell school around 1:10 PM today. As usual I stopped by the back of a bus which is parking in front of the school gate so that William can touch the lights. I read out the letters and numbers on the license plate and asked William to point to them. He got them all right. I also tested him on the color of the lights: yellow, red and white. He got them right also.
Took him to the car, put him in the car seat and handed him a bottle of milk. He finished half of it and started to play with the Mickey Mouse books. Then I fed him some sausages (some day he would eat it, some days he would not) and he ate all 5 slices. Once he done with the sausage, I handed him his milk bottle again so that I can finish it up.
Then I drove him to the Children World Pre-school; where he would be taking his afternoon nap.