I prepared his backpack for school today but then when I checked on William, he started to cough again so I called aunt Hue, asking if she could come over to babysit. She said yes; and she came around 8:50 AM.
Around 2:00 PM aunt Hue had some personal errands to take care, so William’s grandpa babysat him (William was taking his afternoon nap) until we got home after work about 5:30 PM.
William didn’t cough much and he was fine, aunt Hue said.
William woke up around 8 AM and coughed a lot; so I decided to take a day off and stay home to babysit him. After using the nebulizer his cough seemed to stop. I fed him salmon fish porridge and fruit for lunch. He ate as normal, I’m glad!
Fruit for dessert
Dinner time, watching Mickey mouse and eating rice with soy sauce and chả lụa.
Pari Respiratory Portable Nebulizer Compressor Pack (5.5″L x 3.5″W x 1.75″H)
Today early morning about 1:30 AM, William woke up and cried! He coughed a lot too. We gave him a bottle of milk and changed his diaper as usual but he didn’t stop crying. Looked like he had a stuffy nose that made him hard to breath; so we let him use the nebulizer. That seemed to sooth him but he kept crying and would not fall back to sleep until 2:30 AM.
William coughed again on the way to Mitchell school in the morning.
9:30 AM, Mitchell school nurse called and told me that William was at her office because he coughed a lot. She said that she would give him an albuterol treatment; I said go ahead. She advised the teacher to not let him stay outside because it’s possible that the wind gave him asthma.
The mask that Williams uses with the nebulizer.
10:00 AM, the nurse called again; she checked on William in his classroom; he’s doing fine. She said it’d be a relax day for him; the classroom has a bean bag where he can rest if he doesn’t feel like doing anything. She said there is mucus in his nose that caused him to have short of breath. His lungs sounded clear though. She recommended to let him rest a lot.
Times like this I wish I can stay home and watch him; to let him rest on his comfortable bed. Unfortunately Tim & I are at work right now.
1 PM, I stopped by the nurse office on my way to pick up William. She said the same thing that she told me on the phone. She doesn’t think William coughs is because of the cold. She thinks that there’s lot mucus that running down to the throat from the nose that irritates the throat to cause William to cough.
The children is learning the new words that start with H. William looked so concentrating on the lesson while other children were joking. Next time I’ll ask Mrs. Hana if William is always like that.
Continue my way to William’s classroom to pick him up; it’s still a bit early so the class is still in process. I’m so impressed that William sat still in his chair watching the lesson that the teacher projected on the white board. When one’s name is called, that child would have to go to the board and point to the correct picture. Mrs. Hana had to call William’s name several times before he could stand up and approaching the board. Where’s the Hammer? To my surprise, he pointed to the correct picture.
William has running nose so Ms. Susan tried to wipe his nose with a tissue.
1:10 PM, the class is over, everyone stood up to leave. William ran to me; he looked very bad with running nose, tired eyes and cough a lot. I could not stand to take him to the day care when he doesn’t feel well so I called Tim’s sister Hue to ask if she could babysit William; and she said “Yes”.
William on his bed. For the past 2 weeks he’s so attached to those Mickey Mouse books that he always takes them to bed with him.
So I took William home, gave him a bottle of milk, 5ml of the DimeTapp to suppress his cough and then use the nebulizer to help with his breathing.
2:30 PM Aunt Hue arrived; William was happy to see her. When I took off to get back to work William did seem a lot better. But I’m not worried because I know William is in a good hand.