
William poops have been liquid like for the last 3 days but only 1 or 2 times a day like usual schedule but this morning he pooped 3 times during 1 hour period, after he had some milk. I guess he didn’t feel good in his stomach that’s why he woke up early about 7: 00 AM.  Normally i have to wake him up around 8:30 AM to take him to school.  Maybe that’s why he stood on the floor with his stomach pushed against the side of the mattress with his face on top of the mattress.

I called his God Father Than, who is a pharmacist, he advised to give him Pectrolyte so I went to the Walmart near my house to get 1 bottle and brought back home to Tim so that Tim can feed William the liquic.  Then I called Mrs. Hana to told her that William won’t be coming.   Then I headed to work.

What a busy morning!

The question is what has he been eating that caused him this upset stomach?  The only difference about his diet is that I fed him cooked spaghetti with Campbell and Soup Cream of Broccoli mixed with 1 can of milk like instructed.  I think he stared to have loose poops since then.  We stopped feeding him that when we saw his loose poops the 2nd time.  Other than that there’s nothing new in his diet.

So he got to spend the whole day at home with Tim; Tim took him to Costco to have lunch (hot dog and pizza).  He didn’t poop until later, after dinner; and then 1 more time before he went to sleep.  I was so worried because I have so much things to do at work that I can’t take a day off; Tim has taken so many day off already.  If William is not getting better, I really don’t know who else can babysit him.