Diarrhea is Over?

Tuesday.  Before heading to school, I tried to get him drink some Pedialyte but he would not; I tried again once we arrived at school and before taking him to his classroom and he had some.  I hoped that this would help him at least get thru few hours at Mitchell school.

Fortunately I did not get any phone call from school so he must be doing fine there.  Picked him up  later, he seemed to be happy as usual, his hand was holding a pack of crackers.  So after put on his seat belt, I let him eat his snack, fed him more Pedialyte then he had some milk before heading to the day care.

Dinner as usual, he had salmon porridge, had 9 ounce of milk and slept.  Around 3 AM he woke up and whined; as normal it’s cue for us to know that he wants milk so I gave him another 9 ounce bottle of milk.  As soon as he finished the bottle , I could tell that his stomach was not feeling good because he climbed on top of my body and just lied there.  Usually he’d just go back to his sleep.  Then I heard noises coming from his butt!  Oh no, not again!

We waited a few more minutes so that he could finish his business.  Then Tim took him to the bathtub to clean him up.  It took him a while to get back to sleep, poor little boy!

So he was fine the whole day, until he had that last bottle of milk. Was it the milk? We don’t know but we planned to buy new bottles of milk tomorrow.  We always buy milk at Costco and it’s not expired yet.  He pooped right away after he had milk on Monday morning also so I have a feeling that it might be the milk that causing his stomachache.

Update Sat 4/22/2017: his diarrhea stopped and he has not pooped for 2 days.

In short, he pooped loose liquid for 6 days, he started to take pedialyte on the 3rd day for 3 days.  Other than that we didn’t give him any medicine.