A Usual Morning: School Time

William loves this Pokemon jacket (so does Max, his classmate)

Tuesday morning, a cloudy day with light drizzling but not cold.

William woke up early today around 8:00 AM (usually I have to wake him up around 8:15 AM) so I dressed him up and took him to school a little bit early.  The Mitchell school is under construction so now we have to walk a bit from the car to the classroom.  Mrs. Hana said the construction will be done in the Fall.

Once got to his classroom, William ran directly to this play area after put down his backpack in his designated slot.
Mitchell school is under construction, metal fences are everywhere
Mitchell school playground where William spends his time once a day.

GSG Call Meeting

Per our service co-ordinator Kim Than, I called the GSG Support Services (on Friday) and scheduled a call with them today Tuesday at 10:30 AM.  They said the call would last for 45 minutes.  Not sure what’s the call is about, we’ll see!

Update: Basically they asked questions about how William acts, behaves, what he likes/dislike so things that a babysitter should know to make their job easier.  At the end of the call, David asked if I want to schedule for a babysitter anytime soon, because we should spend all the allowed hours before it expires so that RCOC will continue to approve for RESPITE.  Otherwise RCOC would think we don’t need it, they might reduce the hours.

For William we’re allowed to have 8 hours a month of RESPITE service so David suggested that we split that into 2 sessions because the minimum number of hours for a session is 3 hours.  So I went ahead and schedule for this Saturday for 4 hours but there’s a waiting list so I’d have to wait for their call to know if they can find available staff.  David said latest by Fri we’d have the answer.