Newport Beach in a Hot Summer Afternoon

Saturday 5:30 PM.  It was so hot that we decided to go to the beach, the nearest one to our house is the Newport Beach. While driving on the Pacific Coast Highway we saw signs about free trolley ride so we decided to take a ride.  Luckily the stop is right on the parking lot Read More

Saturday 5:30 PM.  It was so hot that we decided to go to the beach, the nearest one to our house is the Newport Beach.

While driving on the Pacific Coast Highway we saw signs about free trolley ride so we decided to take a ride.  Luckily the stop is right on the parking lot at the Balboa pier.  It took half hour to complete the circle.   The trolley driver stopped at the Hoag hospital on the Pacific Coast Hwy to pickup more customers but there was no one around.  She said we can park here for free and take the trolley to go to the pier.  The trolley is provided by the city, and runs from June to July, from 7AM-9PM  It’s a good idea especially during the summer days, it’s really hard to find a parking near the piers.

This time at the beach, Williams showed sighs of interest in playing with the sand (last time he’d kick and cry when we tried to take him to the sand area) but he still refused to go near the water, so Tim just held him and stood there to watch the waves.  He also showed interests in listening to the music; he’d stop near the homeless man who was playing guitar and listen to his playing.  He also raised his hand to high-five with a young man who’s obviously the homeless man’s friend.

After all looks like William had a nice time at the beach today; we’re all happy!

Playing with the sand

Riding the trolley around the beach













William loves the view from the trolley
William with Mom & Dad
Waiting to enter the trolley

Mile Square Park with Marian

Sat 9:30 AM, a nice morning.

We requested 3 hours for a caregiver from GSG Services, and they sent Marian; she’s the 4th one and the worse one so far.  She paid more attention to her phone (texting, maybe?) than my boy.  When she arrived to our home, William was still sleeping so I told her to have a seat; she settled on the couch and looking at her phone ever since.  Even when William came out, I introduced her to William, she said hi and then got back to her phone.   While I was getting things to go to the park, I expected her to come to William and make acquaintance but no, she was still sitting on the couch and looking at her phone.  She stood up only when I told her we were ready to go to the park.

I watched her from a distance while William was playing at the playground: she occasionally checked her phone!

I hope it was something very important that she needed to check her phone that often.