It’s Friday!

Another hot summer day; and Friday is the day for water activities at Mitchell school so I had William wear short with waterproof shoes.  Today breakfast was egg hamburger but I noticed Ms. Heusser did not give William burger; she gave him tater tots (potatoes) instead so I asked.   She said because the record shows that William has allergy with egg so that’s why they serve him different breakfast.  I stood there and observed for 15 minutes while they were eating breakfast.  William picked up only small piece of tater tots; some times he tried to use the fork to pick a bigger piece but he could not.  Ms. Susan sat next to him but seemed to didn’t notice any thing. Not sure what ‘s she there for? Is she supposed to pay attention to them and help them eat their breakfast.  She only tried once “Karen, try this!” and put the food down on her plate because Karen refused.  That’s all she did!  I just don’t think she tries enough!