Tuesday 10 AM, Mrs. Hana from Mitchell called. She said William had been limping for 40 minutes now; he looked happy so she wasn’t sure if he was doing that just for fun. She also sent me a video of William limping via classDojo app. From the video it’s obviously that he was hurting that’s why he’s limping but he looked happy walking around the area. I messaged back to Mrs. Hana asking her to have the school nurse checked him out. 11 AM, Mrs. Hana called and said the nurse and the physical therapy (who happened to be in school at the time) took a look at his leg but could not find anything abnormal.
So I took off work around 11:30 AM, picked William up early; he was eating lunch when I came. He was still limping but I didn’t see any pain from his face. I called the doctor Huy’s office to make appointment; and they set us up at 2:00 PM. It was still early for our doctor appointment so I took him home.

2:00 PM. Doctor Huy Nguyen took a look at his leg, watched him limping around, touched his feet but William but could not find anything wrong either. He said to give his leg some warm water and massage it.

He felt asleep around 4:00 PM on our bed; after he woke up around 5:30 PM, he stopped limping. And I didn’t even give him a massage yet!
No one knows what happened; and William doesn’t talk so we’re clueless. Hopefully it’s nothing major. Dr. Huy said to observe, if it doesn’t go away then we might have to take X-ray to check out. Hopefully we don’t have to go thru that.
Later when he had session with ABA Staff Dan at 5:30 PM, he’s totally fine, no more limping.