Welcome Back Ms. Han

Monday afternoon 5:30 PM.

Mrs. Han from ABEST is now back to teach William starting this week for 3 days a week (Mon, Tues, Thurs).  I think he remembers her because he acted so happy to see her.

Ms. Han and Annie were the first ones to teach William since we started with ABEST.  Ms. Han came to Children world’s preschool for almost everyday in the first 2 months when we got the fund from HealthNet insurance.  There she helped him eat using utensils and read books to him.  Other kids liked her too that they hang around when she read books to William.

I just wish that with the funding source from Medi-Cal, we can have ABA services at the day care.

Currently with the funding source is RCOC, they don’t fund ABA services taken place in the day care, in home service only.  So this is why William can only receive ABA services at home AFTER day care hours, 5:30 PM – 8:15 PM everyday.

At the day care after his nap, William always finds a corner to sit in and not playing with other kids; this is the reason why I’m so desperately hoping we’d get funding for ABA services at the day care so that there will be someone there to “drag” him out of his favorite corner and to learn how to interact with peers or at least enjoy the playground or play with toys instead of sitting alone and watching other kids having fun.

Welcome back Ms. Han; We’re happy to see you, a very nice young and patient lady with a soft voice.