William’s Favorite Corner

William’s favorite corner.

Wed Morning.  As usual I took William to his classroom and the first thing he did is to run to a corner.  He does that almost all the time.  Seems like he likes to sit there and watch others playing; or maybe he’s just sleepy?

Mrs. Hana said when he’s upset, he’d run to the corner and sit there.

One time he put his hand under the door that scratched his hand! :(.  Mrs. Hana said this room has 3 doors, and she’s trying to block his access to the doors whenever she can so that won’t happen again.

Picked William at school today, he likes to sit on the stroller.

Annual Check Up and Fever!

Monday 9:30 AM, William had doctor appointment for annual check up.  The doctor gave him 2 immunization shots.

Later at night his head felt warm to the touch and around 3:00 AM, he had a fever with the temp of 103.6.  We gave him 1 tablespoon of Tylenol.  He also had stuffy nose that caused him to breath heavily so we let him use the Albuterol machine. We let him watched the youTube videos while using the Albuterol treatment.  Half and hour later his temp decreased, we took away the iPad and gave him a bottle of milk,  He felt asleep shortly after that.

Today morning, his temp rose up to 103 again so I decided to let him stay home: send Mrs. Hana from Mitchell a message saying he’s not going to school; emailed ABEST to cancel session at the day care and emailed my work that I’d be working from home today.

9:00 AM, I gave him another spoon of Tylenol and gave him a bottle of milk.

11:30 AM: his temp came down to 98, which is good.  I let him using his iPad the whole morning to distract him from any irritations his fever might cause; and also so that I can work.

Weight: 37 lbls. Height: 39 inches.

Happy 4th Birthday, William!

Thursday Nov 23, Thanksgiving day at noon.

William’s birthday is Nov 24 so we threw him a little party on Thanksgiving day at our home; with aunt Julie and uncle Than out of town, and relatives from Tim’s side were not available so it’s just my family.  I set up a theme of Cars for him and rented a bounce house set up in the back yard.  I booked for a Train bounce house but it’s too high (13x13x17) that touched the electricity cable so the delivery man hesitated to continue.  Turned out he had a smaller castle (10×10) in his truck so we used that.  I had to pay extra $10 for removal fee ( total cost of $73.00).

William only played in the bounce house for few minutes; not sure why he didn’t like it.  Last time when we were at the park, he saw a bounce house and wanted to get in the bounce house so badly.   That’s why I decided to rent him a bounce house for his birthday.

Menu for this special day is Hot Pot and Korean BBQ.  For William, it’s just simply the Mac & Cheese.   I got him a birthday care from tTou le Jours bakery shop.  ($32.00).  Since William likes chocolate so I got him a chocolate cake with cars for decoration, which is exactly our party theme.

The best part is that he loved that everyone singing Happy Birthday song to him, we sang 3 times because he looked so happy whenever we sing the song.  He knows how to blow candles now.


4th Birthday Celebration at Mitchell School

Tuesday Nov 21 at Michelle Child Development Center.

It was the last day before the Thanksgiving break at school; I bought a birthday cake and brought to school to celebrate William’s 4th birthday.  Mrs. Hana recorded and sent it to me via the Class Dojo mobile app.  I love the smile and expression on his face!  I forgot to bring the candle; I’m surprised to see the candle on his cake.  Thank you Mrs. Hana for the candle so that William can blow it off. He loves to do that!

William is the center of attention today!


Blow the candle


Allergy – Skin Reactions

Itchy all over the face

Sunday noon.  We were cleaning up the toys box; and William was playing with the toys as normal.  When I prompted him that it was about time to have lunch, I noticed that his face skin near the left eyes turned red so after he sat down on the chair, I used a wet towel to clean his face.  Today we had chicken soup vermicelli.  After only a few spoons, his face got worse and he was scratching on over his face and neck, especially his left eye.  So we stopped feeding him; I gave him a teaspoon of Claritin and asked Tim to give him a shower.  Then we applied some itchy cream on his face.  Other than feeling itchy, he didn’t not have any signs of breathing problem which told me that it was only skin reactions.

We continued lunch; but I changed his diet.  I fed him spaghetti instead.  Obviously he was feeling terrible with the itch that he ran to bed and didn’t want to eat just after a few spoon.  So I gave him a bottle of milk instead; and applied 1 more time the itchy cream.

By 2:00 PM, less itchy and the redness on his face gradually disappeared but his eyes still not getting better but I could tell it was less swollen.

By 4:00 PM he didn’t take a nap so we took him to Chuck e Cheese.

Tim said it might be the vermicelli but I really don’t think so because his eyes started to get swollen before I fed him the chicken soup.  Must be something from the toys; these toys are sitting in the box for so long so there might be dust or something that triggered his skin reactions.

Neck too!
His left eye looked really bad

Getting better!
William enjoyed eating Zebra popcorn.


Christmas Tree Lighting at Fashion Island

William and Dad, in front of the stage where they had the live performance which we were too late to see.

Saturday 5:30 PM. We and aunt Eliza head to Fashion Island to see the Christmas tree lighting ceremony but it was so hard to find a parking space; by the time we found a parking space, the ceremony was over but we got to spend a nice evening watching the big Xmas tree and shopping.

Speech Evaluation

Monday Nov 13, 2017.  We had speech evaluation appointment at 1:30 PM at Providence Hearing and Speech Center in Fountain valley location, which we had to schedule 1 month ahead.  Seems like with Providence center, the normal time frame is 1 month.  Last time we had to wait 1 month for the Audio test too.

Tim picked William up a little bit early from Mitchell school to make it on time for the speech eval.

They arrived home around 2:30 PM.

New Funding Source For ABA Services Begins

Nov 1, 2017.  We got approval from Magellan at the last minute before the month of Oct ended; the contract from Magellan is valid till end of this year which means we have 2 months with Magellan.  Then after that we need to get approval from Cal-Optima because according to Ms. Nhu, Magellan will no longer handle ABA Services for Cal-Optima beginning Jan 2018.