Happy 4th Birthday, William!

Thursday Nov 23, Thanksgiving day at noon.

William’s birthday is Nov 24 so we threw him a little party on Thanksgiving day at our home; with aunt Julie and uncle Than out of town, and relatives from Tim’s side were not available so it’s just my family.  I set up a theme of Cars for him and rented a bounce house set up in the back yard.  I booked for a Train bounce house but it’s too high (13x13x17) that touched the electricity cable so the delivery man hesitated to continue.  Turned out he had a smaller castle (10×10) in his truck so we used that.  I had to pay extra $10 for removal fee ( total cost of $73.00).

William only played in the bounce house for few minutes; not sure why he didn’t like it.  Last time when we were at the park, he saw a bounce house and wanted to get in the bounce house so badly.   That’s why I decided to rent him a bounce house for his birthday.

Menu for this special day is Hot Pot and Korean BBQ.  For William, it’s just simply the Mac & Cheese.   I got him a birthday care from tTou le Jours bakery shop.  ($32.00).  Since William likes chocolate so I got him a chocolate cake with cars for decoration, which is exactly our party theme.

The best part is that he loved that everyone singing Happy Birthday song to him, we sang 3 times because he looked so happy whenever we sing the song.  He knows how to blow candles now.