Annual Check Up and Fever!

Monday 9:30 AM, William had doctor appointment for annual check up.  The doctor gave him 2 immunization shots.

Later at night his head felt warm to the touch and around 3:00 AM, he had a fever with the temp of 103.6.  We gave him 1 tablespoon of Tylenol.  He also had stuffy nose that caused him to breath heavily so we let him use the Albuterol machine. We let him watched the youTube videos while using the Albuterol treatment.  Half and hour later his temp decreased, we took away the iPad and gave him a bottle of milk,  He felt asleep shortly after that.

Today morning, his temp rose up to 103 again so I decided to let him stay home: send Mrs. Hana from Mitchell a message saying he’s not going to school; emailed ABEST to cancel session at the day care and emailed my work that I’d be working from home today.

9:00 AM, I gave him another spoon of Tylenol and gave him a bottle of milk.

11:30 AM: his temp came down to 98, which is good.  I let him using his iPad the whole morning to distract him from any irritations his fever might cause; and also so that I can work.

Weight: 37 lbls. Height: 39 inches.