Christmas 2017

William and our this year Xmas tree

Dec 25, 2017; William is 4 years old this year. He now knows to open gifts and loves to sing the Jingle Bells songs.

William loves to watch videos of people playing Bowling, Ryan’s Family Toy Review, Family Fun Pack and of course Mickey Mouse, Chíp & Dales, Piggy,etc.
William with Mom & Dad at uncle Vinh’s house.
William and Dad

William and Grandma

Love his innocent smile! Love you son! We took this picture in my car, using the iphone Selfie mode. It was the last day at Mitchell school before the holidays break.

Allergic Reaction to Peanut Butter

4:45 pm Ms. Nhu from ABEST called telling me that William at the day care was scratching all over his body;  Celestie was the Behavoral Technician  with William at the time.

I called Mr Gary but he did not answer.  Few minutes later he returned my call and his first words were “Your son is fine”.  Then he told me that William threw up, and his eyes starting to get swollen and he was scratching all over his body.  He gave him some Benadryl which I think helped a lot because by the time Tim picked him up, he was scratching less, his eyes still swollen though.  He said he asked Celestie if she gave William some peanut butter chocolate but she said no.  They just had a photo session with Santa Clause at the day care, and Santa gave out peanut butter chocolate and candies to the kids.  Mr. Gary believed that William must eat some of it; otherwise he’d not be allergic like this.

Then when Tim picked him up; Ms. Celestie asked to talk to me on the phone.  She said sorry that she did not know that William is allergic to peanut butter so when William asked for it, she gave it to him.  William took 1 bite then threw the chocolate away. Soon after that he threw up (I’m not sure who changed his clothes but he got home with school clothes on him) and 10 minutes later he started to feel itchy.   She said Sorry so many times.   I’m just so glad that William is fine after this incident.   According to Mr. Gary, he did not have trouble breathing at all so that’s a big relief.

When I got home from work and found that William was happy as usual, jumping up and down; his eyes were still swollen and he scratched his body here and there but other than that, nothing is serious.  And most importantly I don’t see he has breathing problem at all.

And this happened just a few days before Christmas!

Refused to go to Class

William is eating snack in my driver seat after I picked him up from Mrs. Hana class. He always has at least 10 minutes playing around in my car and eating snack before we head to Children’s world preschool.  William loves Onion rings and Shrimp Chips.

Tuesday morning.  As usual I took him to Mitchell school around 8:15 AM but today he refused to get off his car seat when we arrived at school. I used chocolate and chips but he said no to both; finally I told him he could play in the sand box then he let me carry him of the car seat and put him in his stroller to get to his class.  But then when we got to his classroom, he refused to get in.   He cried with tears coming off his face, sitting down on the concrete floor in front of the classroom door. Finally when I told him he could take the pillow with him to the room, then he stood up and walked in.

Yesterday when I picked him up, Mrs. Hana said that he was easily upset the whole day. He either sat in the corner or ran to the bathroom and sat there without peepee.  Mrs. Hana had no idea what was going on with him.

Today when I picked him up, Mrs. said she found out what’s wrong.  She said she has more students than 1 lunch table can handle so she arranged a 2nd table.  When she asked him to come to the yellow lunch table, that was when he totally lost it.  Other time is that she turned on the Mickey Mouse video, he said “Trolls” and totally lost his temper again.  In her conclusion, if things are not the way he wanted then he’d act out like that.  When she said “we’ll watch Trolls tomorrow” then he’d calm down.  She said, at least now she knows what triggers his behaviors, she’ll know how to calm him down and gradually teach him to tolerate more to changes.