William Loves Yogurt

Monday Morning 1/8/2018 at 8:30 AM.
After 2 weeks break from Mitchell school, I took William to school, he cried and did not want to leave his car seat when we got to school.
I asked, “Don’t you want to see Mrs. Hana? Mrs. Hama really wants to see you.”
He said “No”.
So I asked “How about Ms. Susan?, do you want to see Ms. Hana or Susan?”.
To my surprise, he said “Susan”‘!
“OK then, let’s go to see Mrs. Susan.”
He got off the car seat and let me put him in the stroller, so I took him to his classroom. When we approached the room 309, he cried again and refused to go in. It just happened that Ms. Susan took another kid to the other classroom. I asked, “Do you want to go to that room?”
He said, “Yes” and got off his stroller and ran after Ms. Susan! I was so surprised. All the time I thought Ms. Hana is his favorite :).
Tuesday Morning.
He cried just like yesterday and refused to get off his car seat. So I asked ” Do you want to see Ms. Susan?”. He said “Yes” again. It was raining lightly when we walked to the classroom. The water felt on his face and he smiled, I think he found that was fun.