My Boy Is Smart

Thursday Evening.  William has ABA session with ABEST’s Behavorial Technician Selestie at 5:30 PM as usual.

He gave me his bottle of juice and said “Open”.  But the bottle’s cover is already open; I’m a little surprised because I know he knows that it’s open and ready to drink.  So I just closed the cover and then opened it and then handed it back to him.  He said Open again and showed signs of frustration and about to throw tantrums.  I took a closer look at the bottle and found out that the straw came off the top lid.   So what he really wanted me to do is to open the whole lid to fix the straw!  I felt bad that I did not understand him at first and caused him some frustration.  As a Mom I should know him better.  So I took off the lid, fixed the straw and gave the bottle back to him.  He took it and drank the juice because he understood that he could drink now with the straw is attached.

William is a smart boy, it’s just that communication is a big problem to him.  If he can talk or at least can convey what he wants then I’m sure he’ll show less signs of frustrations.  Most of the time he throws tantrums is because others don’t understand what he wants/says.

Playing With Peers

Playing with friends

Thursday Morning; dropped William off at Mitchell school.  He walked in and did not run into the corner; he sat down on 1 of the chairs, and when Mrs. Hana took out the race tracks, he came and played with other children.  I’ve been paying attention to where he goes to when I drop him off at school and noticed that for that past few days he did not run into a corner anymore.  He either sat on the bean bag, or chair or stood near his peers to watch; which is a really good sign.

Here are a few pictures of William playing in my car after I picked him up when the class is over.  I usually let him play and at the same time I try to feed him some thing before taking him to the day care.  For the past 2 days he loved the cheese sandwich that I made.  Yesterday he ate 2 slices of sandwich with 2 slices of cheese; 1 bottle of orange juice and 1 piece of chocolate.

William’s favorite spot in my car. He climbs down here from the back seat at least 1 time a day.
William loves the Dashboard camera in my car. I have to turn it on before driving; otherwise he’d cry.