Japan trip Saturday 3/31 – Monday 4/9/ 2018.
Month: March 2018
Speech Therapy 6th Session
Today both Ms. Kristy and Stephanie came out the door to greet William but only Ms. Stephanie conducted the session while Ms. Kristy working on her computer. William learned to use the word “See”. Stephanie showed him the card with picture on it and asked William to say what he saw on the cards.
I see dolphins, I see hamburger, I see pineapple, I see banana, I see skateboard, I see raccoon, I see computer.
“We’re gonna play a game!” – Stephanie told William. She took out the cards, showed 3 cards to William and asked a question. William was supposed to point to the correct card.
Where do you sleep? She showed 3 cards with different picture on each card: bed, the banana and ocean. William pointed to the BED picture. He got it right so Jennifer handed him the light-up ball to play for few seconds.
The game continued: where do we seat? Chair. What can you catch? Ball. What do you eat with? Spoon.
Session always flew by so fast!
Making Easter Egg
Tuesday 11:30 AM. I picked William up early because he had Speech Therapy today. When I came in he was working on his easter egg with Ms. Susan’s help.

Met The TB From TasKids at the Daycare
Tuesday 2:00 PM. Today was the first day for the supervisor Huy and BT Jody from TasKids to come to day care so after I dropped William off and sent him to his tiny bed in his classroom, I waited for the supervisor Huy and BT Jody in my car. And guess who the BT was? It was Jody who used to work for ABEST! She came to our house a few times to supervise when we were with ABEST. What a lovely surprise!

I was so happy with a comfort feeling that William will be in good hands with someone that he’s familiar with. I was afraid that with new BT, William might not get along well but that feeling soon went away when I saw Jody. It turns out Arron is sick; and Holly is no longer with the company so Ms. Jody will be with him everyday at the daycare and at home too!
First Session With TasKids
Today Monday 3/19/2018 William had first session with TasKids staffs after about 3 weeks with no sessions at home.
The supervisor Huy Dang and BT Aaron were scheduled to be at our home from 5:45 – 7:45 but Aaron was sicked so he cancelled. The supervisor Huy Dang came and stayed for about 1 hour and then left.
William came close to Mr. Huy and sat next to him. Huy was so surprised because this is the first time they met but William acted like they’re close.

Our Handsome Boy

Sunday we bought a new lens Nikon 24-70 mm VR, and William became our model for testing the lens.
The boy looks so handsome; and we love the lens :).
The owner sold it for $1,700.00 which is a good price considering the current market price for the new one is $2,400.00. Even though it’s used but the owner, a friend of ours from photography group used it for a half year only.
This picture was taken in front of the lens seller’s house; which is a very nice house in Anaheim city by the way.
William is 4 years old.
Last Day with ABEST

Today, Friday, is the last day William has the session at the day care with ABEST; Ms. Tracy is the BT today. Today concludes 9 months of receiving services from ABEST. I’d say we’re very pleased with the services that ABEST provided; I’m really sad that all the good staffs left and that we have no choice to find a new vendor.
Saying good bye to the people that we love is always hard. I waited on Thursday at the day care to see Ms. Han to say good bye to her; I prepared to express our appreciation to her but when I saw her, just the thought of not seeing her again brought tears to my eyes so all I could say was “Thank You Em” while giving her a hug and then I turned around to get back into my car. I sat there an watched her walking thru the side door of the school to get into William’s classroom. Ms. Han replied “I like William a lot!”.
I wish that we have some pictures of William and all ABEST staffs but with school policy of no photos/videos, we don’t have any pictures at all. Monday 3/12/2018 Ms. Nhu will come to pick up the binder; and that will be the last person from ABEST that we see.

Speech Therapy 4th Session

Tuesday 12:00 PM. Today we met Staphanie again; Kristie was not there. William first got to play with Play Doh and make snow man. He requested to make snow man about 3 times. Then Stephanie got out the little house, bed, doll, pillow, blanket, bathtub, table, chair, etc. and asked: where does the bed go? can you put the baby to sleep, what do we do with the bathtub? William especially liked the pillow and blankets, he put the blanket over the doll.
All the time I thought the play house is for girls, never thought a boy can also learn from it.

Snow Play at Mountain High

Sunday early morning. It was raining for the last few days, and the news said it was snowing on the mountains so we decided at the last minute (on Saturday) to drive up there and enjoy some snow. Mostly because we know William loves to play with snow so much. We left house around 7:00 AM; William woke up when I tried to get him dress; I gave him a bottle of milk to drink on the way to pick up grandma and his aunt and cousins Bryan and Victoria. Aunt Eliza brought some chocolate donuts so William had some.
Before turning to Hwy 138, we stopped by at McDonald for restroom break. I bought some hash brown but William refused to eat.
There was just a little traffic when we passed by Wrightwood town. The parking lot for the West and East Mountain High resorts are full so we had to park on the street and had to walk a bit to get to the play area. (People parked on the sections that have the sign No Parking; we should know that they don’t enforce it in the days like this (so many cars, there’s no way they can tow them all) and park like other people so that we didn’t have to walk far).
At some point William didn’t want to walk so I had to carry him. High altitude really makes one tired easily.
William loved to play with the snow too much, he kept running around; we had a hard time keeping up with him.
Around noon, he was tired and just wanted to sit; that was when we decided to leave.
William must be hungry that he grasped the chocolate bags and ate them; he felt asleep moments later; but he woke up when we stopped by at the same McDonald for lunch. I bought fish sandwich but he only had a few bites of the bread and then asked for chocolate donuts. And after that a few french fries while watching Minions on his little phone until we got home around 2:30 PM.