Speech Therapy 6th Session

Today both Ms. Kristy and Stephanie came out the door to greet William but only Ms. Stephanie conducted the session while Ms. Kristy working on her computer.   William learned to use the word “See”.  Stephanie showed him the card with picture on it and asked William to say what he saw on the cards.

I see dolphins, I see hamburger, I see pineapple, I see banana, I see skateboard, I see raccoon, I see computer.

“We’re gonna play a game!” – Stephanie told William.  She took out the cards, showed 3 cards to William and asked a question.  William was supposed to point to the correct card.

Where do you sleep? She showed 3 cards with different picture on each card: bed, the banana and ocean.  William pointed to the BED picture.  He got it right so Jennifer handed him the light-up ball to play for few seconds.

The game continued:  where do we seat? Chair.  What can you catch? Ball.  What do you eat with? Spoon.

Session always flew by so fast!