It’s Broken

Sunday evening, Dinner time.  As usual, William sat on the chair on my left while we’re having dinner.  He suddenly stood up, walked over to my right side, picked up the ceramic bowl and threw it on the floor; the bowl is broken into small pieces.  Then he said, “It’s broken.”

He’s been using that phrase a lot, not sure where he learned it from.  He’s been watching videos of the lego blocks, building, etc. that collapsed and point  to it then said, It’s broken.  There’s occasions where he tried to break the wheels of his small car toys and said it’s broken.

Obviously this has a very bad influence on him; I think to him it’s fun to watch things that are breaking apart.  Maybe I should block the youTube videos that he’s been watching about broken things.

Frog’s Bounce House

Sunday evening.  William didn’t take a nap; and he looked bored so I took him to the Frog’s Bounce House in Fountain Valley, about 11 minutes away from our house.  They charged me $10.00 this time, not sure why (Their website says after 6 PM, it’s $8:00 and no fees for parent).  It’s Sunday so they close at 7PM, which means we only had 1 hour.

William still loves to dance around on the laser floor catching things projected on the floor.   Then he went on to the bounce house near by but too bad it’s for 3 years old and under only so the lady worked there asked me to take him out.  I told him to go to the other ones but he kept going back to this one.