Bye Bye Mitchell!

Thursday May 31, 2018.  It’s William’s last day at Mitchell Child Development Center.

Mrs. Hana, Ms. Delma, Ms. Melissa, Ms. Susan gave William a big hug.  We also stopped by Mrs. Kerstin (the school nurse) to said good bye and to pick up William’s medicine.

William was not aware of what was happening; he probably was wondering why was everyone hugging me!

I wanted to stop by to principle’s office to say good bye but he was busy so we didn’t want to bother.

After 17 months (Nov 2016 – May 2018) going to this school, we felt so in love with it.  It’s a beautiful place with a nice playground and lots of empty space for the kids to run around.  William didn’t know anything at all when he first came here; now he knows the alphabets, can count, can sing alphabet, wheel on the bus, happy birthday songs. The teachers also potty trained him.  He now can talk using a complete sentence even if it’s just a few words:

I want this/that.

William/Mama do it.

It’s so cute!

Open the Door


I’m much thankful and appreciate all the hard works that Mrs. Hana and her assistants have done for William.   Without their love and patience, William would not progress this fast and learn so much in such a short time.

So Thank YOU from the bottom of our hearts!

In front of the school
William’s classroom is 309, on the left
Gated playground, lots of space!
Administrative building and the flag pole

Graduation From Preschool

Mrs. Hana took this picture in the school just right before the little ceremony.

This week is William’s last week ( and 4 other friends) at Mitchell Child Development Center after about 1 and 1/2 years going to this school so Mrs. Hana threw them a little ceremony around 11:00 AM on Tuesday, after we returned back from Memorial Holiday.

William refused to stand up when Mrs. Hana called his name and people were starting to clap their hands.  Then finally he got up and Mrs. Hana handed him the Certification.  After that he lost it and started to hit himself on the face using his palm when he got back to his seat.  I think he doesn’t know how to handle all the attention so he felt frustrated.  He hit him few more times after that while eating lunch until we left the room.

More pics:

William with Mrs. Hana Suh in classroom 309

Loving notes from the teachers. Thank you!

Singing songs

Receiving the Preschool graduation certificate


Lunch time – pizza and juice

Mrs. Hana getting the foods for the children
William and the school sign

Can’t believe my baby boy is graduating from Preschool. He’ll be in the Transition Kindergarten next year at Linhcon school which is near our house.



William’s First Camping Trip

Memorial Holiday weekend, we went camping with a group of friends (VCF – Vietnamese Cyber Friends) at Zion Park.  We left our house on Thursday and drove to Las Vegas, stayed at MGM Grand for 1 night, then drove to Zion Park (3 hours drive) and camped at Watchman campground for 1 night.  The plan was to camp 2 nights but the weather was too hot and William had an accident at the daycare right before we left so we only camped 1 night then headed home on Saturday.  We got home around midnight on Sunday.

The whole trip, the only time William was happy is to ride the shuttle bus and to play with the water in the river.   The weather was too hot (85 degree and above) to make it impossible to sit in the tent during noon, so William had to sit on the chair outside.  I know he was tired and just wanted to lie down but every time I told him to get in the tent, he’d get in for 1 minute and then ran out even when we turned on the fan inside the tent.

The Narrow

William Hit His Face on the Metal Merry-Go-Round

This is how it looks when Tim picked him up from school. From the pic, it doesn’t look as bad but it’s really bad!

Wednesday.  William was sent home today with a big dark bruise on his face below the right cheek with a note that he had an accident!  According to the note he was trying to jump off the Merry Go Round and slipped and hit his face on the metal bar.

Ms. Jeannie from TasKids was there with him at the time of the accident.

Today, it’s 6th day and the bruise still bad.  When I touched it gently and asked him if it hurts but he did not say anything.

The Merry-Go-Round that William loves to play with everyday.
Report from Ms. Chastity
Merry-go-round pic taken from the other side of the playground
1 day later, the bruise is starting to get darker.


New Teacher at Children’s World Preschool

Friday 9:30.  There’s no school at Mitchell today so William will spend his whole day at the day care.  When I dropped him off, Ms. Chastity opened the small door for William to go in and told me that she’s now William’s teacher.  Ms. Chastity has been with the daycare for a while but she was not in charge of William’s class.  She said Ms. Nancy quits because she was not happy here lately.  Ms. Nancy was in William’s class for only 2 months, I think.  There’s lots of staffs changes in the last few months.

William and Ms. Chastity

Below is a list of staffs who were/are William’s teachers:

Ms. Leila, she stayed with the school longest.  She was in charge of Yellow Bird class for more than 1 year.

Ms. Sandra, few months.

Ms. Nancy, 2 months.

Ms. Chastity.

Hopefully Ms. Chastity will stay longer.  I can tell that she really likes William.  Most of the time when I drop him off around noon (after Mitchell class), she’d sit by his tiny bed and try to get him to sleep.

She told me she just re-decorated the room; so I came in and took a few pictures.  It looks nice, she did a nice job.  The fact that she went extra to make the room looks nice means that she really loves working there.   The other morning, the school was giving out morning snack in the yard; she tried to get William to come to the table but William refused.  I’m really thankful of that nice gesture because at that scene there was Ms. Rosemary and Ms. Jennifer but no one asked William if he likes to eat something.

Ms. Chastity seems very excited about this news, I heard her said it several times “I’m in William’s class now!”.   And I’m glad too!

Yellow bird classroom, the table is where they do crafts as well has having lunch. The door leads to a small kitchen on left and the other classroom.
The rug area is where those tiny cots will be set up for the nap time. William’s bed is always in the far left corner.
The tiny beds for the little ones.

Story Time at Huntington Beach Central Library

William loves the guitar, he tried to touch it.

Saturday 9:30 AM.  Dad Tim had to work so I took William to the Huntington Beach Central Library for some Story Time.  They have Story times at 10 AM every Saturday for toddlers.   This is the 2nd time that I took William here; the first time when he was only 1 year old.

At home William was excited to go out; I told him we were going to the library.  He was fine with that.  But when stepped into the room and saw all other kids and parents, he tried to run out.  I held him back and let him sat on my legs.  The session started with some live music; gradually William turned around and look at the guitar player.  Then he stood up and went up/down the stairs in the audience area.  At some points he clapped his hands when others did.

Toward the end of the session, he ran out the door and running around; finally I could led him to the books area next to the Story Time room.

This app took our picture and allows to edit the pic, which is really cool.

New BT From TasKids

Jody and Jeanie

Today we met the new BT who’s supposed to be with William at the daycare to replace Alexandra who quits a week ago.  I got home around 6:00 PM and I heard the music, which is very unusual; turns out it was from Jeanie’s phone, William’s new BT.   Jody said William was singing along when she played the Trolls song.

Jeanie seems to be a very nice young lady and really is interested in finding about what’s William doing and likes.

Daily Snack

Daily snack

Every day when I pick William up at his Mitchell Child Development School, I always bring 3 items: a wet towel, a bottle of juice and either corn dog or cheese sandwich which is his favorite for the past month.  The first thing we do when we got inside the car is to take off his shoes, then he takes off his socks himself.  I use the wet towel to clean his face and hands.  When the weather is hot, wiping his face with a wet cool towel really helps to cool him down to make him feel better.  Then I’d ask him to drink the juice; once he has a few sips of juice then i’d let him eat the snack.  While eating snack, he gets to play around in my car.  We’d spend around at least 15 minutes in my car for him to eat snack (depends on how much time I have before I have to get back to work).  Usually he needs 40 minutes to almost finish the corn dog and the whole bottle of juice.

William’s funny face