New Teacher at Children’s World Preschool

Friday 9:30.  There’s no school at Mitchell today so William will spend his whole day at the day care.  When I dropped him off, Ms. Chastity opened the small door for William to go in and told me that she’s now William’s teacher.  Ms. Chastity has been with the daycare for a while but she was not in charge of William’s class.  She said Ms. Nancy quits because she was not happy here lately.  Ms. Nancy was in William’s class for only 2 months, I think.  There’s lots of staffs changes in the last few months.

William and Ms. Chastity

Below is a list of staffs who were/are William’s teachers:

Ms. Leila, she stayed with the school longest.  She was in charge of Yellow Bird class for more than 1 year.

Ms. Sandra, few months.

Ms. Nancy, 2 months.

Ms. Chastity.

Hopefully Ms. Chastity will stay longer.  I can tell that she really likes William.  Most of the time when I drop him off around noon (after Mitchell class), she’d sit by his tiny bed and try to get him to sleep.

She told me she just re-decorated the room; so I came in and took a few pictures.  It looks nice, she did a nice job.  The fact that she went extra to make the room looks nice means that she really loves working there.   The other morning, the school was giving out morning snack in the yard; she tried to get William to come to the table but William refused.  I’m really thankful of that nice gesture because at that scene there was Ms. Rosemary and Ms. Jennifer but no one asked William if he likes to eat something.

Ms. Chastity seems very excited about this news, I heard her said it several times “I’m in William’s class now!”.   And I’m glad too!

Yellow bird classroom, the table is where they do crafts as well has having lunch. The door leads to a small kitchen on left and the other classroom.
The rug area is where those tiny cots will be set up for the nap time. William’s bed is always in the far left corner.
The tiny beds for the little ones.