ABA Session At The Library

William picked out a book in Children section

Monday evening, we had ABA session with Arron and PC with Jody.   Last week Jody mentioned that William seems to like the books a lot so she suggested that we should go to the library; so we planned for that to happen today.

Around 6:00 PM we Jody, Arron, William and I went to the New Hope library (in separate cars) which only 7 minutes from our house.   We practiced holding hand while walking on the walk way.  Once in the library we asked William to pick out the book, he picked a random one without looking at it; and then refused to pick any other book.  He did sit down for 3 minutes while Arron reading the book to him.  Then he stood up,  walked around; at some point running and talking very loud.

I opened the library membership and we got to check out 2 books today: A pop-up book Red Car Blue Car and The Best Birthday Party.   I read these book to him late at night and he seemed to like it: he didn’t ask for Baby Jesus or Zoo Animals which have been his favorite books for months.

He does seem to like listening to book reading; I think going to the library is a fantastic idea. I’ll try to take him to the library on the weekends when they have story telling time.

2 books we brought home

Daddy’s Birthday

May 5th, it’s Tim’s birthday; and in May we have aunt Eliza and cousin Tracy’s birthday also so we threw a little party for everyone at our house on Sunday May 6th.  As usual, William loves to sing Happy Birthday song and blows the candle.

Aunt Eliza and cousin Tracy also were born in May. Tracy is 13 years old and William is 4 years old.

From Porto’s Bakery, it’s delicious but the store was crowded, took too much time just to get the cake and some pastries.
William and Grandma (bà Ngoại)
Tim and brother in law Thân Võ
2 Grandpas & uncle Duy
Grandpa and our guest Hoạt Trần





Meeting for William’s School Transition

Tuesday May 1, 2018.  We had a meeting with William’s current teacher Mrs. Hana Suh, speech Therapist Melissa, school district Meghan Yolles and his future teacher Heather Newman from Lincoln Elementary school to discuss about his transition to Summer and Fall school.  It was only 30 minute meeting; and here’s the schedule:

May 31, 2018: last day at Mitchell Child Development center

June 11 – July 7, 2018: Summer School (Extended School Year ESY) – Martin Elementary (939 Wilshire Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92707) – Teacher Heather Newman. From 8 AM – 12:15 PM.

Aug 13 – Dec 2018: Fall School – Lincoln Elementary (425 South Sullivan St., Santa Ana, 92704) – Teacher Heather Newman.  From 8 AM – 1 PM.  Need to REGISTER before the school starts (bring IEP, Birth Certificate, Immunization Record, Proof of Home Address).  William will go to this school until 5th grade.

Our boy is growing up fast, can’t believe he’s going to kindergarten!