William Loves The Book “Rosie Comes to PreSchool”

Tuesday evening, ABA Session with Ms. Jody as usual.

Which book do you want to read? Ms. Jody asked

Rosie! – William responded without thinking.

Last year when I brought the books into the room; he would throw them out the door and close the door.  Now he loves to read the books; and we read book every night on our bed before he goes to sleep.

The book “Rosie Comes to Preschool” is long but he always wants to finish the book.  He know about 80% of the words in the book.

We’re so proud of you William!

Reading book with Ms. Jody from TasKids

2nd Week Of Summer School

William walked to classroom with Mrs. Newman

Tuesday Morning.  It’s 2nd week of summer school already.  This morning when I washed his face and told him that we were going to school; he said “Gary” (what he meant is Children’s World Preschool, where Mr. Gary is the director).

– School first, and then we go to Gary after lunch! – he seemed to be upset a bit; tears came to his eyes.  “Gary after lunch OK William?” I said it again.

After that he was fine.  When I dropped him off and handed his hand to Mrs. Newman, he turned to me and said Good Bye; and then walked with her.







Class is over, walking with Mrs. Newman toward the drop off / pickup location.