Thursday Morning 8:00 AM.
I was informed by school yesterday that William will be moved to a new class room #49 with a new teacher today, with Ms. DeLeon; Mrs. Newman Heather ‘s class will be closed and she will no longer teach summer (it’s understandable because her class only has 3 students). However Mrs. Birdie will go with William to new class.
So after I sent him in with Mrs. Birdie, I went to the office to get the pass to check out his new classroom and say hi to his new teacher.
Knocked on the room #49 3 times, no one answered so I attempted to open it. It was locked!
So I looked around, he was not out there at the pick up location with Mrs. Birdie, he was not there at the seating area where children were having breakfast. Then finally I found him standing in line at the cafeteria holding his breakfast tray that was full of food ! Ms. De Leon were there so I approached her and said hi; she’s a very young lady, I think about the same age as Mrs. Hana from Mitchell.

Then everyone walked to their classroom with their breakfast trays. I’m so surprised that William did follow thru, walked in line with the breakfast tray in his hands without any frustrated signs. I was like “Wow, how did he cope with the new changes? At Mitchell school, breakfast was brought to them!”
I’m just simply happy that he seems fine for that past week, despite all the new changes that he has to follow.