Pick Up Breakfast?

Wednesday Morning.  We were a little bit late today; Ms. DeLeon and Mrs. Birdie already went in to class so I took him in.   At the corner where we need to make a right turn to his class, he stopped and pulled my hand to go to the other way.  It’s the way to the cafeteria!  Every morning the teacher would take him and his classmates  to the cafeteria, so he knows the routine.   His teacher aid saw him and walked with us to the cafeteria to pick up breakfast.  She said “he’s one of the independent students!”.  I’m so happy that my boy adapted so well only after 3 weeks at the new school.

William and his breakfast. We’re so proud of you!
Getting his special meal. Because he is allergic to peanuts so he has special mean prepared for him.
Waiting patiently for his breakfast.
Walking to classroom with his breakfast trays on his tiny hands!