The Butchart Gardens, Victoria 2018

Sunday July 15, 2018 – After the church, we went back to the hotel to check out and left our luggage in their storage so that we could go to the Butchart gardens.  We walked about 7 minutes to the bus station #75, fare is $5 for a day pass for each person (children under 5 is free).  The driver won’t have change so must give him exact amount.

Riding the bus #75

William cried when I told him we would take a bus; but when we got in the bus he got so excited and ran all the way to the back and sat there.  It took about 45 minutes to get to the garden.  Our friends left before us but because they took the wrong bus #31 so they ended up get on our bus about 15 minutes later.  It was a surprised re-union :).

The garden has several gardens which are all beautiful: the Sunken garden, Italian garden, Japanese garden, Rose garden; we like the Sunken garden and Rose garden the most.

Relax in the Japanese garden
Our family hid in the shade eating snack :). Back row from right: Tracy, Julie, Than, Danny. Front row from right: Tim, William & Grandma.
Rose garden, some flowers are done but still beautiful.
Entrance to the garden, after the admission gate. The gift shop is on the right.
Stopping for ice cream, it was too hot. William just woke up from a short nap.

