I set alarm to wake up 7:00 AM every weekday morning. After brushing teeth and washing my face I’d go to kitchen and prepare lunch bags for William and me. For him I’d pack 1 small bag of gummy bears and cookie with a bottle of orange juice. Then 1 small bottle of milk, 1 small cup of orange juice and some chocolate cereal: the bottle of milk I give him around 8:00 AM while he’s still in bed; the orange juice and cereal is for him to eat/drink while I’m driving him to the daycare.
My frustration comes when asking him to go pee and brush his teeth. It takes him a while to leave the bed to go to the restroom; but the hardest part is to make him brush his teeth: he’d just run back to bed, whine or cry and doesn’t want to go back to the bathroom to brush teeth; so I have to persuade him “Do you want to go to they daycare? yes, then you need to brush your teeth.” Next in his morning routine is eye drop for his dry eyes (he’d constantly scratch his eyes); he’d roll around on bed trying to avoid taking eye drops.
After that things get easier: put on diaper, pant, sock and ready to go. Oh wait, his toy box: his favorite now is the playing cards, he put all his cards in a carton box and bring it with him every where. At nite when it’s time to go to bed, he’d pour all the cards on the bed and lie on them! He’d cry if he wakes up and doesn’t see the cards! So every morning I’d need to put the cards back into his box so that he can take it to the day care.
Every morning we spent so much time just to do simple routine. I’m getting tired and tired each day. Not sure what can I do to improve the situation?