Second Day at School

Tuesday 7:50 AM.  He sat on the stroller voluntarily and said “Stroller”, meaning we will take the stroller, no car.  And he didn’t cry at all.  I took a few pictures of him wearing sunglasses in front of our house before going to school.  He put on the sunglasses himself, not sure why!  I took him to the classroom and took few more pictures of him and the colorful wall right next to his classroom.  We were early!

On the way out, I took few pictures of the school.  I think most students are Mexican; the fact is I have not seen any Asian students.  In his class, William is the only Vietnamese.  It’s just my observation, nothing else.

Ready to go to school, no crying today. He takes the playing cards with him everywhere.
He was still very sleepy.

That door is to the Office
Parents looking thru the fence watching their children after dropping them off. The doors are locked inside and outside; you need to have a key to get in or out.