Third Day of Kindergarten

Wednesday 7:50 AM.  It’s 3rd day; he seems to do fine in class, his daily report says so.  But seems like he doesn’t drink/eat much because he’d finish 2 bags of Capri Sun apple juice and still asks for more when I picked him up.  I learned that Wednesday is a Modified Day; which means the class time is shorter.  Usually the class is over at 2:00 pm but on Wednesday it’s over at 1:00 PM.  That’s for other grades; for William he always gets off at 1:00 PM; but the teacher brought that to my attention so that I’d come a bit earlier to find a parking spot because it’d be crowded.

Regular and Modified Schedule (Wednesdays)
Homework binder, homework due every Friday!
The teachers would write about William’s day in this book; and requires the parent to sign once read it DAILY.