Friday 8/24/2018. Today is Ms. Jeanne’s last ABA session with William, the Behavorial Technician, who has been with William at the day care for almost every day for the last 3 months. She recently got her BCBA credentials; and she found a new company that meet her needs. I’m so sad to see her go because I’ve seen her teaching William; she’s really good at teaching William to pretend plays like ordering food at Mc Donalds, in the airplane listening to the flight attendants instructions to put the bags under the seat, buckle up, etc.
May 11 – Aug 24, so Jeane has been William’s BT for a little bit more than 3 months; time does fly. I still remember the day when I heard about William’s accident with the Merry-go-round while under Jeanne’s watch, I was so sad and wanted to ask for a different BT; but I didn’t because I recalled the first day she came to our house; she would pay attentions to little details as to what William likes to do; and she put on the music softly in the background. She impressed me with her creative ways to get Williams to do things. I’m glad that I did not ask for a new BT.
Last week she asked if I saw William dance yet; I was like “Uh no, never!”, then she played the youTube video “Cha cha dance” and told William to dance. It was so fun to see William kicking his legs and swing his hands up & down. I’m so happy to see my boy having fun in the ABA session.
From her observations, she believes that William will understand better if she writes down the words on the papers and read it with him. For example, “Welcome to Mac. Donald, what would you want ?”
She only came once a week to our house, on Thursday from 5:30-7:45, so we did not get to see her much; but she was with William everyday from 3:00 – 5:15 PM. When it was summer, she’d be there with him in the mornings also. So I bet William grows to be closed to her and loves her as much as we do. We’re sad to see her go but at the same time we’re glad that she’s moving up in her career.
Good luck in your new role, Ms. Jeanne. We’ll miss you!