Long Beach Twilight Streets – 2018

Saturday Evening.  We went to Long Beach to see the Twilight Streets festival; William had so much fun jumping, running around with music.  Our dinner was the Hooters burgers and hot dog and fries (Kids menu for $5.99 which includes 1 entry, 1 side and 1 drink but they forgot our drinks); it took about 15 minutes waiting for take out;  best thing is that they validate the parking so we saved $6.00 for parking).

First we walked to the light house; On the way there, William saw 2 birds and said “I want to chase 2 birds” then he ran after them.  Continue on to the light house, William had a chance to touch the fish that some nice man caught but had to release because the fist was too small, he loved it!  Then he had fun running around the light house, up and down the hills.

When we just got to the place, he saw the lights and immediately ran there and stood next to the men; Tim caught it on time.

He loved chasing the birds

Running freely around the light house

Queen Mary boat is on the background

Passing by the aquarium




William’s Second Swim Lesson At Australian Swim School

Saturday 10:30 AM.  When we told him we were going to the pool, he kept saying “No, no”; and then kept saying “I want to go home!” thru out the 30 minutes session.  There was only William today so he had full attention from the swim instructor Anthony.  Despite the fact that he sometime cried, he did very good.  He put his face in the water and lift face up when he was out of breath.  Today he learned to swim face up: he was scared at first but toward the end of session, he was getting much better.  Seeing how he can learn so fast, we decide to let him continue the swim lessons.

Afterward, we took him to the Mc Donald per his request; he loved the playground here.

William and the instructor Anthony

Before leaving the Australian Swim School
Mc Donald playground

