Children’s Book Of Festival 2018

Sunday, another hot day.  Children’s Book of Festival was held at Orange Coast College which only 10 minutes from our house so we decided to check it out.  It took quite a bit of walking (thru the big crowded packing lot and the swap meet) because the school is big and we had no idea where it’s located; there’s no sign on the way either.  We found the direction signs only when we got near the event, which is not really helpful!

But we finally found it; there’s lots of booths with books but William only cared for the stuffs on the tables: he got some stickers, candies and rubber bracelets.  We passed by the Petting Zoo, he cut thru the line and went to the door but I caught him on time.  The line was long so I told him “Next time!”.  He seemed to be ok with that but after we stopped by a few more booths ( he touched the snake), he ran back to the Petting Zoo really fast; I had a hard time chasing him.  Luckily the line was shorter this time so we stood in.  The admission is free but if you want to by the feed for the animals, it’s $2.00/cup.   They had 2 ducks, 1 donkey, 1 llama and the rest are goats.

William loved feeding the animals.  They seemed to be very hungry.


William loves spinning the wheels
I can’t believe he kissed the snake!


William and Dad
Beautiful white Llama



Big Bounce America

Saturday @12:30 PM.  It was so hot.  Our session was from 1 – 2 PM.  William jumped for about 20 minutes and wanted to get out.  It was just too hot and made you feel tired so easily.   I think he likes the bounce house but the hot weather made him feel tired too much that he lost interest.  We got off early; and while waiting for Tim to go to the bathroom, he climbed off the stroller and ran off; he wanted to run to the car because he wanted to go home.  Ticket was $17.00/pp and it was about 1 hour driving to the Silverlakes Sports Complex (Riverside / Norco, CA). Parking was $10.00.  They set up a big tent with chairs for everyone to use, another tent next to the Big Bounce for shoes, strollers.  There was 1 food truck selling foods.

Hiding in the shade

Sweat, Itchy, William just wanted to go home
Tim enjoyed more than William 🙂

Another Sleepy Day!

Thursday Morning.  As usual I woke William up around 7:30 AM, he rolled around on the bed and refused to get up.  When he finally did, he cried.  I asked why but he did not answer.  He cried when he peed, when I brushed teeth for him and stopped crying only when he got back to the bed.  I had a hard time to give him eye drops for his dry itchy eyes. But we managed to be at school on time.

2 more days before Autumn; it’s getting cold in the morning but still very hot during noon (75 degree)
This pic I took yesterday (not today)
Ms. Newman was not here; there was someone substituted for her. When I picked William up, she said “He’s a Smart Boy”.


Mile Square Park

Sunday Morning.  We joined our sister and her groups of friends for a picnic at Mile Square Park.  They had 1 big bounce house and 1 small bounce house but William only played in the small one for a few minutes.  Then he played at the playground for most of the time.

Selfie with Dad Tim


Full Moon Festival

Saturday night, we wen to Asian Garden Mall (Phuoc Loc Tho) for the Full Moon festival.  William enjoyed listening to the music, drum beats and jumping around.  He patiently waited in line to get the balloon which is very good; then he was ok with face painting which surprised me because he refused several times before.

William likes his Head balloon, but 1 of the balloons broke shortly after that.
William sat still during face painting, he chose the Boat Anchor design.


Able To Keep 60 Minutes Today!

So with the company’s memo about 60 minutes lunch break in mind, I left work around 12:40 PM and arrive at school around 12:53 PM.  Mrs. Newman took William out to the gate at 1:00 PM; and she told me that William ate well today; which really made me happy because I knew he would not be starved if we did not have much time for him to eat today.  In the car, he finished the juice pouch so fast, but refused to eat the mini corn dog; That’s ok because he ate well today at lunch.  Since he did not want to eat, I changed his pant, put on diaper and we took off around 1:07 PM.  Carried William to his tiny bed (he’s now in the bigger room), wanted to ask the teacher how’s he been doing with the new class but was afraid I’d not be able to keep the 60 minutes limit so I quickly headed out to the car after a quick wave to say good bye.  Left day care around 1:20 PM, and arrived to work around 1:40 PM.

Everything was a rush!  So we’d be able to keep the limit but that means there’s no time for William to eat or to have a quick chit chat with the teachers!

P.S. I’m glad that William enjoyed soccer, was thing about register him to a soccer class but not sure if he’re ready yet!



William’s First Trampoline

Listened to Huy & Jody from TasKids, we bought William his first trampoline so that he can jump to release all the energy that he has.  The plan is to let him jump before each ABA session so that he’d have less energy to run around.  But seems like he doesn’t like to jump that much because he’d only spend less than 10 minutes in the trampoline.

