Labor Day at Huntington Beach

Monday, It’s Labor holiday,  we had a day off so we decided to join my sister’s friends for a picnic at Huntington Beach.    William at first refused to go down to the beach; he wanted to walk on the walkways only.  Then we asked if he wanted to see baby Sophia; he said “Yes” so we said, “If you want to see baby Sophia, you have to go this way!” so he let us took him down to near the water.  He wanted to go back to the walkways several times, we kept reminding him of baby Sophia to make him listen and continue.   When we got near the water, he refused to go down so I sat down on the sand and let him sat on my thigh and just watched people playing.

Aunt Eliza offered him some tools to play with sand, that was when he stood up and play but still refused to go any where near the water.