Thursday Afternoon, got this email (sent to everyone) from Nancy (our company’s office manager)

Thursday Afternoon, got this email (sent to everyone) from Nancy (our company’s office manager)
Got the message from William’s teacher that Lincoln school requires uniform, I was not aware of that! So I looked deep in his closet, luckily I found some white and red polos!
To advertise for the new movie “Small Foot” coming on 9/28/2018, they held an event in Hollywood to introduce the new movie. It was an indoor event with theme & decorations from the movie. William loved the snow bed that he jumped right in and lied down; he also liked the ball pit a lot. One nice thing is that at each of the scene there was a staff with an ipad to take pictures for us and then send to us either via email or text.
The event started at 3:00 PM, we arrived to the Highland Shopping Center around 2:00 PM after William’s swim session. We walked around the shopping center first, took a few pictures then walked to the event which is about 15 minutes walking on the Hollywood Blvd; that was not too bad because William had a chance to “follow the stars” on the Hollywood Blvd.
We found Mr. President Donald Trump star and was about to take a picture, then a man walked by and spit on the star to show his hatred toward the President.
Friday, ABA session as usual from 5:30 PM – 7:45 PM. The supervisor Huy suggested we took a walk to practice safety rules: Stop, Wait and Come Here commands. William must learn to listen to commands and do not run without asking permission.
So when we’re walking, I’d tell him “Stop and Wait here with daddy” then let him standing there with Tim, I’d walk further up then turn around and ask him to come to me, “William, come here!”. He’s supposed to walk to me and hold my hand; but every time he’d just run past me! So Thomas would have to stand behind me to block him from running.
William did that every time on today’s walk so Huy suggested that we train William on walking nicely first.
Thursday morning 7:45 AM. It’s getting cold in the morning so I put a jacket on for William before heading to school. Last night he felt asleep around 11:30 PM which is good so assumably he had enough sleep.
One day when I dropped William off at the day care after picking him up at Lincoln school, Mrs. Chastity asked me if I’m OK to move William to higher level. The other day Ms. Jennie told me that it’s better for William to move up to higher class because looks like he likes to play with older kids; and also with older kids he can learn to talk more. Huy also asked me if it’s possible to move him up; I guess Jeannie talked to Huy about that.
So I said Yes to Mrs. Chastity, the goal is for William to talk more, with this Yellow Bird class, mostly the children are 2 or 3 years old who don’t know or don’t talk much. So it’s natural that William would want to play with other kids about his age. William is almost 5 now, not sure why they still keep him in the Yellow Bird class.
Today I took him to his room as usual, I met Mrs. Angelica, she told he to took him to the other room. To explain, she told me that William is now moved up to Red Bird class. Surprisingly I asked, “Since when?”, she said “Since today!”. So now he’s officially in the big room with a nicer cot to nap :). His cot is next to the wall and the standing fan, which I think is very nice location.
Monday, It’s Labor holiday, we had a day off so we decided to join my sister’s friends for a picnic at Huntington Beach. William at first refused to go down to the beach; he wanted to walk on the walkways only. Then we asked if he wanted to see baby Sophia; he said “Yes” so we said, “If you want to see baby Sophia, you have to go this way!” so he let us took him down to near the water. He wanted to go back to the walkways several times, we kept reminding him of baby Sophia to make him listen and continue. When we got near the water, he refused to go down so I sat down on the sand and let him sat on my thigh and just watched people playing.
Aunt Eliza offered him some tools to play with sand, that was when he stood up and play but still refused to go any where near the water.