Getting Along Well?

Playing in Mama’s car before heading to the day care.

Thursday, picked him up at Lincoln school; Ms. Birdie brought William and Jordan out to the gate.  While waiting for Ms. Birdie to unlock the gate doors, William held both hands to the gate and hit his head slightly against it.  When I told him “No, don’t do that”,  he said “Do not bump your head!”.  I told Ms. Birdie that William has been talking a lot more which is good; then Ms. Birdie shared a story.  She said William, Jordan and Dyllan have been playing together at break times and when out in the playground, they would look for each other.  I’m so happy to hear that; the fact that he’s starting to make friends is a big big improvement.

I’m always afraid that he’d feel lonely at school but now that I heard that from Ms. Birdie, I’m so comforted.