Monday 11:30 AM. Got a call from the school nurse saying William was sitting in her office because his eyes were swollen. She asked I I gave him any medicine in the morning, I said No; She then asked if we ever used the EpiPen, I said “We never had to.”. Then she said she’d let William stayed in her office to watch and would update me if there’s any news.
After the conversation, it struck me that she mention EpiPen! it must be something worse that she was thinking about using EpiPen. Soon she called me back and told me that the teachers gave out peanut ice cream, even though William did not get it but some how it affected him so that must be why he was scratching his eyes a lot. And she asked that I picked him up. It was 11:50 PM.
I came to the school right away; William was in the nurse office with Ms. Newman. She said she threw away all the peanuts candies (Halloween is coming up, that was why she had candies) but some how William still got infected. He didn’t throw up so that tells me that he did not eat any; so probably he touched it or smelled it. He stopped scratching after the nurse gave him some Benadryl.
The nurse, Vanessa, said that she’s never seen any allergic case so she would not know if it happens right a way or after a period of time so she called Orange County office to find out. They told her allergic reactions would take place right away. I’m a little bit worried that the nurse is not very experienced so I’m a bit concern if she knows what to do and do things in the timely manner.
I took him home, made him a cheese sandwich, and gave him milk. I cancelled the Speech therapy session so that he could stay home and rest. After finish the milk, he felt asleep. I went back to work, leaving him for Tim to watch.