Monday 5:30 PM, we have ABA session with Thomas as usual. Today Huy, the supervisor stopped by; Jody did not come because she will come to Truck & Treat event with Thomas and us on Friday at the Blessed Sacrement Catholic Church in Wesminster.
In a typical ABA session with Thomas, he would let William jumps in the Trampoline for about 10 minutes and/or walk with dad Tim outside the house to practice “Wait” and “Come Here”. Then William would take a shower. When he’s done with shower, Thomas would ask William what game he wants to play; and the the last few weeks his response is either Monopoly or Uno. He understands the basic rule of the games which is good; but sometime he cried or kicked because the game did not go the way he wanted. For example, sometime he wants the Chance card when playing Monopoly but it’s Thomas who got the chance card, so he cried.
William talks a lot more playing game with Thomas; they’re bot so cute when playing.