Thursday morning, when I changed William’s clothes to get ready for school, I noticed some visible bumps on his thighs; I thought it was bed bugs so I changed the bed skirt, pillow cases and comforter. He was scratching his angle; but I thought it was just skin irritation.
Later in the evening when I gave him a shower, those bumps now turned to light red; and then later in the night, they were more visible and those red dots appeared on his palms and his feet too. And he started to scratch more; that was when I started to worry.
I checked his body again early morning, the red dots are still there; that was when I decided to take a day off work and take him to the doctor. That was Friday morning.
Called the doctor Huy’s office at 9:00 AM to make appointment, got a spot at 11:00 AM. As soon as I showed Dr. Huy the red spots, he said right away “It’s Hand Foot Mouth Disease” while checking William’s mouth. Everything is normal in his mouth.
“But he had this 2 years ago, I thought one can have this only once in lifetime!” – I was so surprised.
“It’s can be different virus” – Dr. Huy replied.
“It’s gonna be gone in a few days, no need to take any medicine, just keep him at home to rest. If he feels pain, you can give him Children Tylenol or Benadryl for his itch”. He also prescribed some itchy cream.
So that was it! William got to stay home for a few days; I called Lincoln school, Children World preschool, TasKids to let them know about William’s condition.
TasKids asked us to send the doctor’s note as to when he can be safely go back to school.
By Sunday, all the red dots starting to disappear; he didn’t have fever or blistering; I was so glad that this time it was mild.
Foot Palms Thighs Belly Foot