ABA Hours Cut, Again!

Monday 5:30 pm. ABA session as usual with BT Thomas and PC Jody. Huy also came to go over the report that they will submit to the director. At the end Huy concluded that William has mastered most of the goals so he wanted to cut 6 hours more which means ABA sessions will be reduced to 3 days instead of 5 days per week. So we will only have 9 hours for ABA and 8 hours for PC, effective Mar 2019.

On July, 2018 Huy cut ABA hours from 24 hours / week to 17 hours/week , and then on Nov decided to not send BT to the day care; now 6 months later he reduced further to 9 hours/week. So that’s a total of 15 hours that he took away from us within a year. At this rate he will soon declare that William will no longer need ABA!

I understand that as William is mastering some goals and we would not need that many hours as before but cutting that many hours within less than 1 year is outrageous. I hope his decision is based on what is best for William, not because his ambition to graduate his client as soon as possible. William’s tolerance to No is no where near master but he marked it as Mastered! I’m just too tired to fight; mostly because I know for sure that I’d loose in this fight. He’s the supervisor and he has the final word.

As the supervisor, wouldn’t he know to add more goals to the list: he marked “Discontinue” for 20 goals but only adding 5 more safety goals, which I raised concern about. Other than that he doesn’t suggest any other goals, there must be some other goals that an autistic child need that we;re not aware of, as this is our first time being a parent.

I felt sad and helpless and speechless!

I’m trying to look at the bright side so that I’d not feel so down: maybe now that William will have some available time to take gymnastics or martial arts classes which are not offered on the weekends.

Back To School

Monday 8:00 AM. After 2 weeks of break, it’s back to school time. I woke William up around 7:25 AM, he refused to get up as usual, and the hardest part is to make him brush his teeth. Of course we don’t have much time in the morning so I ended up brush his teeth for him after all whining, crying, kicking. After brushing teeth, and his face is washed, he runs to sit on the bed and smile: a totally different attitude than few minutes ago. This happens every morning; nothing is improved!

Then I put lotion on his face, especially over his eyes because if I don’t, his skin will be dry and he’s gonna scratch his eyes like crazy. Lotion really helps a lot. And more lotion all over his body before I dress him up: jean, uniform polo, socks, jacket and ready to go! I try to finish everything by 7:45 AM so that we’d be at school before 8:00 AM. The teachers usually pick up the kids around 7:50 AM from the bus, so if we miss this time, we’ll have to wait till 8:00 AM, when the teacher comes out again to pick up whoever was not picked up yet.