Back To School

Monday 8:00 AM. After 2 weeks of break, it’s back to school time. I woke William up around 7:25 AM, he refused to get up as usual, and the hardest part is to make him brush his teeth. Of course we don’t have much time in the morning so I ended up brush his teeth for him after all whining, crying, kicking. After brushing teeth, and his face is washed, he runs to sit on the bed and smile: a totally different attitude than few minutes ago. This happens every morning; nothing is improved!

Then I put lotion on his face, especially over his eyes because if I don’t, his skin will be dry and he’s gonna scratch his eyes like crazy. Lotion really helps a lot. And more lotion all over his body before I dress him up: jean, uniform polo, socks, jacket and ready to go! I try to finish everything by 7:45 AM so that we’d be at school before 8:00 AM. The teachers usually pick up the kids around 7:50 AM from the bus, so if we miss this time, we’ll have to wait till 8:00 AM, when the teacher comes out again to pick up whoever was not picked up yet.