It Hurts!

Wednesday night while we were eating dinner, William pointed to his lower right teeth and said “It hurts!”, and he did not enjoy eating too much. Later in the early morning around 1:00 AM his cries woke me; I kept asking him “Where does it hurt?” but he didn’t reply. So I asked “Is it nose or mouth?”. “Nose!”, he said.

So I thought he had trouble breathing, but I looked closely on his face, his throat and stomach, he did not seem to have breathing issues at all but I still took out the albuterol nebulizer but he pushed it away. I also gave him 5ml of Loratadine for his allergies.

He went back to sleep and woke up again crying around 2 AM, then again 3:40 AM!

I wish he could tell me what was hurting him but he did not so I was sitting there looking at him and trying to guess what was wrong. I recalled he said his teeth hurt while eating dinner so my best guess is that his teeth was hurting, not his nose like he said.

So I pulled out a list of dentist that our Service Co-ordinator Kim Than gave me last time we meet. Called the one that she recommended, Tustin Pediatric Dentistry, but they don’t accept Medi-cal. Then I googled it, found a few near me, and decided to try the South Coast Pediatric Dentistry which is ranked #5 in Yelp. It was 8:00 AM, I called several times but all I got was the machine so I left a voice message. Around 9:10 AM someone called me back, and we settled for 11:00 AM appointment.

It was raining so hard outside; in fact it had been raining for a few days already!

William was still in deep sleep so I let him, poor little guy he could not sleep much last night. I woke him up around 9:30 AM so that he could have some breakfast before heading to the dentist. I only told him that we were going shopping :).