Saturday evening. The American Clown Circus is coming to town, set up their tent at Westminster mall which is about 15 minutes from our house; thinking that William has never been to a circus before so we decided to take him.
The price is $25.00 per adults, up to 2 children under age of 13 is free per paying adult.

While driving there I reminded him that in the circus we have to be quiet, sit down on your seat and do not run around. He seemed to understand that but I did not have high hope that he’d do what was told.
It was so windy and cold, but William seemed very excited. He wanted to pay as usual ( take my credit card and put in the card reader slot).
Got in and he saw the pop corn stand, he immediately ran off to it, touched in so bought a box. Turned out he was eating the pop corn the whole evening!

To our surprise, he did sit on his chair the whole time, occasionally stood up on the chair but I asked him to sit and and he did. Except for the 15 minute break, he ran around the tent; and followed 1 of the staffs to the restricted area. Luckily I caught him on time.
At first he was enjoy it but I think toward the end he got bored. I wish the show was catered for the kids more because there was not a clown with big nose and balloon. Actually there was balloons but they were selling it during the break for $3.00. William broke his after 5 minutes! But his cousin Bryan was nice to enough to give William his balloon. Thank you Bryan, you’re such a handsome and nice boy!