Monday 1:00 PM, Tim texted me saying that William was scratching his eyes a lot and they were starting to swollen when he picked him up at school. He asked me to call and cancel Speech therapy. He also sent me a few pictures of William: he was crying and saying “it’s hurt!”.
1:00 PM 2:00 PM
6:00 PM 10:30 PM
So I called the doctor’s office, the receptionist said they already fully booked so they would not take more patients; and asked that I left my phone number and the doctor would call me back.
1:40 PM, doctor Yen Chi called me back, I told her William’s eyes are swollen and said it hurts; and that I was not sure if something bit him or it was allergies. “If it’s allergies then it’d be itchy, not hurt.” – Dr. replied. She said she had to see it to be sure and asked that we brought him in.
So I told Tim to take William to the doctor’s office as soon as possible, William was still crying at this time.
3:00 PM, Tim got him from the doctor; the doctor said it was allergies so she prescribed some medicine to drink and some eye drops.
5:30 PM, I picked up the medicine from the pharmacy, stopped by the bakery to buy some chocolate cake slices that I know William loves so much; There’s Phở’s Lovers near by so I brought 2 bowls to-go for our dinner.
6:30 PM, got home and William just got out of shower, he was lying on the bed and crying. Tim said he could not take a nap. We gave him 10 ml of Loratadine for allergy and some eye drops.
Then we had Phở for dinner and chocolate cake for dessert. Now his eyes seemed to stop bothering him: he began to laugh while watching the videos of Oddbods.
11:00 PM His eyes started to look better. We gave him more eye drops.
This morning, his eyes still not back to normal yet but it seemed that it doesn’t bother him anymore. I gave him another 10 ml of Loratadine and some eye drops.
I was expecting calls from school saying that he’s scratching eyes but no body called, which I was so glad.
Next day, in the morning, much better but still swollen a little bit.