Tuesday Noon.
Picked up William from Lincoln school at 1:00 PM as normal. Ms. Newman said “He threw chairs today!”. Last week I was told William hit his friend. In the Teacher/Parent Communication book, the teacher wrote down that William threw sand on his classmate’s face while in the playground; and also kicked his classmate when he did not get what he wanted.
Whenever I heard complains like that, I felt really bad. At home I always remind him that it’s not nice to hit, to fight; he seems to understand!
William is physically the smallest boy in the class but he’s always the one to cause trouble.

William is 5 and 1/2 years old now but I still have to use stroller to take him to school every day. I still need to brush his teeth every morning and night. We still have to give him shower every evening; and feed him spoon by spoon at dinner time. And I think worse of all is that he still prefers to drink milk from the bottle while lying on the bed at nites. And top all that is that he stays up really late: he’d never fall asleep before 12:00 AM. If he doesn’t take a nap at the day care then he’d sleep early around 10:00 AM but usually he’d take a nap at the day care from the moment I drop him off around 1:20 PM. Ms. Angelina would wake him up around 3:00 PM.
Whenever we go out, to shopping malls or park, he’d just run off to see what he’s interested in without asking me so we’d have a hard time to run after him. He’s very fast, that little boy! This is not good because we’d loose sight of him; and if in the parking lot, cars might hit him.
His favorite food now is Spaghetti, Macaroni & cheese and Pop Eye crispy chicken. Occasionally I feed him Vietnamese Noodle Soup called Phở, he’d eat it but not much. Hot dogs and Pizza are next in the line.
He’s 43 lbls now and healthy. His dry skin make him feel itchy though so he always asked “My back is hurt, i want to scratch!”. What he meant is itchy, not hurt, and he wants us to message and scratch his back. I have to scratch his back every morning to get him out of bed to get ready for school in the morning.