William really has trouble with sleeping; he doesn’t fall asleep until 11:30 PM or so; some times he’s still awake at 1:30 AM!
By 10:00 PM, I’m too tired; felt asleep several times and woke up, still finding him to sit on the bed and play.
He wants the light to be on ALL the time; both lights: 1 over the bed and 1 on the night stand in the corner. I waited until he sleeps and then turn off the light in the corner. If he suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and he sees the light is off, he’d cry and ask to turn it on.
Here’s William’s normal schedule: Wake up around 7:30 AM in the morning to go to school; school is over at 1:00 PM (or 12:00 PM for summer school) then I take him to the Children’s World preschool where he can have a short nap (teacher wakes him up around 3:00 PM), and he stay sthere until 5:30 or 6:00 PM when Tim comes to pick him up. Then he has ABA session at 5:30 PM – 7:15 PM every other day. We let him have dinner around 7:30 PM. A full day like this one would think he’d be too tired and can sleep early, but No!
He only can sleep early if he doesn’t take a nap at noon.
Another bad habit that we don’t like. He loves to bring the stuffs that he likes to put it all over the bed; and he doesn’t mind to lie on them! Lately it’s a pile of game cards (Uno, etc) that he stores in a big can. He takes this can with him every where we go: grandma’s house, park, etc.