I Want to Sleep At Home

1:00 PM

Picked William up at Martin Elementary School and dropped him off at Children’s World Preschool. While I was unbuckling, I said “Go in and sleep ok?”

“No!”, he said.

“Why Not?” – I was surprised.

“I want to sleep at home!” – I was a bit shocked because he’s never said that before.

It shows that he’s now trying to use words to express what he wants. Second, it means he’s actually thinking, he feels the difference between home and daycare.

“Mama has to go to work, so William sleeps at the daycare, ok?”

He did not say anything, looked like he was ok with that.

I’m happy and sad at the same time. Sad because we have no-one at home to watch him so that he can stay home; it’s only a 4 hours before we’re off work. Happy because my boy is growing up fast and his language skill is improved a lot. He observes more and talks more.

All the hard works actually pay off.

William has had ABA sessions since he was 2 years old: spend at least 3 hours a day with a therapist every day. While other children his age can learn simple things easily and naturally; he has to learn it over and over again so many times in order for him to get it. Lots of frustrations, tears and tantrums along the way, but I’m happy with the progress he has made.

There’s still lots of things William needs to improve and learn but regardless, I’m so proud of him!

Love you, Son!