Typical ABA Session

Currently, we have ABA sessions on M, W, F, from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Mondays & Fridays we have Thomas as William’s BT. He’s been with us for about a year now. On Fridays we have Brenda; which is our new BT for about few months. Brenda is also responsible for Social Groups on Saturdays from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

A typical ABA session at home would be Thomas/Brenda asking William what he wants to do or what game he wants to play. Most of the time I’d be cooking our dinner while listening to their conversations. Some times I sit down and watch them. We’re so lucky to have BTs who are patient and dedicated to their job.

ABA session with Thomas

Now it’s summer so some times we go out to the back yard and William plays in the trampoline. We also walk around the neighborhood to practice our goals of “Asking permission/Elopement”. William tends to run off to whatever he wants so the goal is for him to ask permission before he goes and to stay next to mom & dad when going out.

Occupational Therapy Evaluation

Recommended by William’s speech therapist, we scheduled for an OT evaluation from the same place, Providence Hearing and Speech center.

I took a day off to take William there, but first we stopped by at Dunkin Donuts: William loves chocolate donut.

The whole evaluation session lasted about 30 minutes; they asked me to fill out some questions: make a check mark next to the item that William can do or a cross mark if William cannot do. While I’m working on that, the lady worked with William: asked him to cut a circle, trace and color shapes and some other activities. And she took notes while doing so.

At the end, she recommended that we should have 1 hour / week for OT. Give it about 2 weeks for her to complete the report and then we should call in to schedule the sessions.

She asked what’s our concerns are. It’s that William is almost 6 years old but he still cannot button/un-button shirts/pants or tie his shoe laces. His skill of using utensils is very poor: he changes to left or right hand very often; it looks as if his fingers/hands get tired easily.

Questionare I need to fill out
The OT Evaluator